One of my greatest confusions of JavaScript (and sometimes, greatest vexation) is when two variables refer to the same object. For example,
b, but
is not the same object as
var a = b = [1, 2, 3];
a.shift(); // 1
b; // [2, 3]
var c = d = "Hello, World!";
c = c.slice(0, -1); // "Hello, World"
d; // "Hello, World!"
Here is the rule: when assigning one variable to another, the variables refer to the same object if and only if the object is not a primitive. So, if the object is a string, boolean, or number, they do NOT refer to the same object. Otherwise, they refer to the same object.
Overcoming variable reference with clones!
So, what can be done? What if I want to copy an object? I use a trick for Arrays all the time, inline in code:
returns a new copy of array, so that you can modify it without affecting the original. For objects, this is rather intuitive: iterate over each property and put it in a new object. So here's some code for a JavaScript "clone" method:
function clone(value){
// throw an error for undefined input
if(typeof value === "undefined")
throw new ReferenceError("expected argument at 0: value from {clone}");
// check for primitives
if(typeof value === "number" ||
typeof value === "string" ||
typeof value === "boolean")
return value; // nothing needs to be done
// check for array/sliceable objects
if(typeof value.slice !== "undefined")
return value.slice();
// otherwise, let's iterate through the object
var retObj = {};
for(var prop in value){
retObj[prop] = value[prop];
return retObj;
Rather succinct, I like it enough.
How can I reference a string?