Saturday, October 25, 2014


My friend has no idea what this is. *sighs*
         :yMMms/.       +/       ./smMMy:         
       +mMNs-          +M.           .oNMm+       
     :mMm/             mMh`             /mMm/     
   `yMMo        .      NMMN-              +NMy`   
  `mMm-         y+.    sMMMN               .mMm.  
 `mMm`          `yMMd+ `MMMM:  :            `dMm` 
 yMN.             .dMMo/MMMM/  hd`           `NMh 
:MM+         o`    :MMMMMMMM/  yMh            /MM/
yMN          Nd.   /MMMMMMMMd/oMMN  :d`        NMh
NMy          oMMdyyMMMMMymMMMMMMN- `dMy        yMM
MMs           sMMMMMMMMN`:NMMMMMs-+NMMs        oMM
NMy     //`    sMMMMMMMN. .NMMMMMMMMMy`        yMM
hMN     `yMd+  `MMMMMMomm  oMMMMMMMMo  h+      mMd
:MM+      sMMmsdMMMNM: sh. yMMMMMMMM.:dM/     /MM/
 hMN.     `NMMMMMM/yM:    yMdMMmMMMMMMMN     `NMd 
 `mMd`     yMMMMMm +MM-   ://MN.MMMMMMM+    `dMm` 
  .mMm.    /MMMMMM+ :+`     `/.:MMMMMMy    .mMm.  
   `yMN+    sMMMMdyo           hMMMMMs    +NMh`   
     /mMm/   -hMMMm-         `hMMMNy-   /mMN/     
       +mMNo.  `/shmms`    .hNmho:   .omMNo`      
         /hMMms/`                `:smMMh/         
No code this time, sorry!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Javascript Random Text (i.e. ZALGONATION)

What this does

This is a little thing I invented whilst reading about the String.fromCodePoint and the respective identity getter. By generating a random number (thanks to's developer wiki for the code of generating random integer) between the range of the normal text's points (30 - 126), and repeating that a random number of times.
  1. window.setInterval(function(){
  2.         title = document.getElementsByTagName("title")[0]
  3.         title.innerHTML = ""
  4.         var m = gI(2,20)
  5.         for(i=0;i<m;i++){
  6.                 title.innerHTML += String.fromCodePoint(gI(32,126))
  7.         }
  8. },20)

Final Notes

I'm on the Mozilla Developer wiki! Nothing big, duy, but I might be!
